Friday, September 18, 2009


Crib Midget Mckenna

Day Four

I'm tiny....

My grandmas

Me and my Obachan and Grandma

Auntie Chang

Me and Auntie Chang....AKA Helen

Me and Mommy

Mommy loves me sooo much...she says I look like a baby snapping turtle.

Dr. Contro

Here is the MD who was responsible for bringing me into this world. Mommy thinks he is the best. He is friendly, smart, good looking and mi cheung

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Check out my swaddle

Auntie Anne sent me this designer swaddler!! I love it!!

my second video

Day three

Mommy thinks I'm a little cross eyed and she says that I got that from Daddy. And she says that I got her dimples.

I had another big tarry crap this morning for Daddy to clean up

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Here's a video of me

Day Two

Okay so I think I have this taking a poop thing down pretty good.... I've already served up 6 dirty diapers...Daddy's doing an okay job changing are some pictures of me today

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The MD who delivered me

Here is a picture of the doctor and nurse who delivered me into this world!

My first visitors

Who came to visit me today?

1. Bachan and Jichan (Daddy's parents)
2. Grandpa and Grandma (Mommy's parents)
3. Emo Helen and Uncle Jimmy
4. Halmonie... now great Halmonie
5. Uncle Warren
6. Auntie Chang (Helen)
7. Auntie Liza

Hello World

Hello World!!

I was born today @ 12:04PM. I weigh 5 pounds and 2 ounces and am 17.5 inches long.

Mommy is recovering just fine

Sunday, September 13, 2009

36 hours and counting......

Katie and I are counting down the hours until our little addition to our family.

What should we do on our last day? We have a 9am appointment with Contro to go over last minute details of the big day.