Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 22

So I'm 22 weeks old now. Mommy and Daddy can't believe how fast time is going by and how fast I'm growing up.

I started eating oatmeal this week and I especially like it when they mix it with pureed pears. They feed me solids about two times per day and then I wash it down with a nice bottle of milk...tasty, tasty.

I'm almost sitting up by myself now and can flip over pretty easily. I am making lots of noises; this is my way of communicating with my parents but they just don't seem to understand what I'm saying.

The orange stuffed animal in the picture is my new "Ugly Doll", they are the new "cool" toy. Sometimes I look really loco when I'm in my jumper. There is so much to look at that at times I get a little cross eyed.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Guess who's so damm cute? yo estoy

Practicing Again

Shssssh.... This time Daddy is asking what we're having for dinner. Mommy said be very very still. How do we look?

Auntie Annnabanna

This is my auntie Annabanna. She always buys me a hello kitty doll. This time I got a hello kitty geisha. I can't wait to go shopping with her in New York

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Coach Potatoes

My daddy told me to pretend to sleep when my mom asks him to do things. So this is us practicing.

I'm sitting up!

Ok. Ok. This vantage point is so much better than lying on my back. Give me a week or so and I'll do this all day! For now, just make sure there is a soft landing.

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Food

Mommy and Daddy mixed some apple sauce into my rice cereal yesterday and it tasted really good! Today, Mommy made me some home made organic pear puree....tasty, tasty, tasty. They also give me these little puff thingys that dissolve in my mouth.

Quality Time

Daddy does a great job sleeping with me and Mommy does a great job feeding me.