Friday, February 5, 2010

Big Gulp anyone???

I'm drinking about 28-30 ounces of mommy's milk each day! I'm thinking about trying out some solid foods pretty soon, cuz this liquid stuff doesn't really fill me up any more.

Home Schooling

Here I am watching my Baby videos...... they are actually very interesting. Mommy and Daddy have learned that when I'm really crying and fussing that if they turn on this video, I instantly become silent!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Mommy can always make me laugh... she is so funny and silly... i LUV my Mummy

Auntie A

Auntie Annelis came over to visit me yesterday! She is one of Mommy's friends from college.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Me and Daddy at Gymboree!

Oh, how much fun I had today! My daddy came to Gymboree and played with me. He did eye tracking with a butterfly, massaged me with a roller, sang nursery rhymes, played with gymbo the puppet and showed me the colors of the parachute. I love him! Thank you for coming. I like spending time with you. You make me happy, Dad.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Look at me!

I'm looking forward to going to my class tomorrow.... Mommy takes me every week now and sometimes Jichan and Bachan take me on Thursdays. Daddy is going to join us at class tomorrow.

My Uncle- Captain America

Here's an old picture of me and my Uncle Adam. In this picture he is incognito, typically he is wearing his Naval Academy Uniform in hopes that it will get him girls phone numbers and any type of military discount.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I don't like this toy

Mommy and Daddy got me this toy saxophone, but I really don't like it. For some reason it always makes me scream...they thought I liked it at first and that I was laughing.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Parents call me "Rudy"

I've been really going through the diapers lately. Sometimes I make a mess three times while I'm getting fed. Mommy and Daddy love me though...they always change me quickly and wipe this white stuff on my butt. I think my all time high for diaper changes in one day is 15!

But how can you not love a face like this one!!